jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2015

My new project: Robles Traducciones


Today I'm happy to tell you about my new translation project "Robles Traducciones". I have created a new account on Google+ in order to offer my services as a translator.

In this blog, I have told you about different types of translation, software for translators, proofreaders and editors, problems and translation mistakes, own experiences and curious cases... I have had also the opportunity to have some experiences as a translator and now I prove professionally through "Robles Traducciones".

If you have followed me a little, you will know that my work languages ​​are English and German, and of course the Spanish as my mother tongue. If you need a professional translation into or from any of these languages, ​​do not hesitate to contact me via roblestraducciones@gmail.com. Now I show you too some advertisements, so you can share it if you are interested or if you know someone who may be interested.

I will keep on sharing with you curiosities and interesting issues about translation.

Thank you.

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