viernes, 18 de julio de 2014

Microsoft Word: track changes


I usually talk about programs for Linux or programs with open source. However, the track changes is an option of Microsoft Word in order to the text correction. I have already written about the corrections in Libreoffice, but with Word we have a lot of options to show our corrections (if we work in a group or for our client) .I’m going to show you a text with mistakes, and then I will explain how to correct it.

First of all, we have to select “Review” in the word processor, to select the complete text (with the mouse or Ctrl + Mayús + E), and then to activate the track changes. We have to select the name of the author/corrector in “change the user name” and then, the changes we want to show, and the different colors of every one, in the “change tracking options”. It will appear a table, in which you will have to select the type of correction and the color that the program will show. For example, I choose the red color for the words that I erase, and blue for the words that I write.

Of course, if in your text appear more things you have to correct, you can choose the colors in the menu; it will appear everything on the text. In addition, you, your colleagues or your client will see clearly every modification in the margins or under the text, if you click on “review panel“.

With the option “final” you will able to see how is the final version of the document without the track changes. With “final: show revisions” you will see again the text with the corrections, if you need to make more changes.

I hope you find it useful to make your corrections.

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