Today I'm going to speak about simultaneous interpretation, after speaking, a few weeks ago, about liaison interpreting and relay.
interpretation is the oral translation, which is performed at the
same time that the speech in the original language. For this type of
interpretation it is necessary a cabin, from which the interpreter
listens to the speaker through headphones and while he's listening, he translates at the same time. The audience who don't
understand the original language can hear the translation through
headphones. The interpreter must wait a short time to listen to the
speaker and the to star the translation, but not to much time, because
the speaker will continue with the speech and it is important that
the interpreter don't lose the thread. This gap is known as décalage.
reason that I speak today about simultaneous interpretation is
because yesterday took place at the University of Alicante the
conference Terrorismo ayer y hoy: el desatino de la
Fracción del Ejército Rojo en la Alemania de los años 70
(Terrorism yesterday and today: the mistake of the Red Army Faction
in Germany in the 70s) Our teacher and the students of the subject
Interpretation (III) gave speeches in German, while other students
did simultaneous interpretation into Spanish. Myself gave a speech in
German and I interpreted another one into Spanish.
was the interpretation cabin where we interpreted. As you can see, we
were behind the audience and we listened to the speaker thought those
headphones. The speaker spoke from the table that you can see at the
bottom, and the audience could hear the interpretation in Spanish.
Each situation is different and every place have a different equipment. But this
way you can see how it is a simultaneous interpretation and what it
is necessary to make it possible. I hope you like it and hopefully
also get you close to this fascinating world.